I'm having a problem with my water well. I'm gettin alot of dirt sucked up and coming through my pipes. I'm only using this well to water my animals, but, I still need the stupid thing. I had a new well pump put in about two months ago. Could the well people have put the pump in too deep? Its burned the contacts on the, I believe, the regulator that cuts the well on and off and is not working now. Well people are gone for Christmas and I have to wait til they get back. Guess what I have to do to get water to some of these animals that are being watered by this well? You got it, four 100' hoses to get to the back. Has anyone wlse run into this problem of muck being sucked up by the pump? If the pump is too low, can I raise it? The water is darn near at the top of the pipe so raising it wouldn't be a problem. Sorry for the winded explanation. Thanks in advance.
