I have shot and killed coyotes with a 22, 22mag., buckshot,
and my .270. I will grab the first thing in reach when I see one because I think they are a useless animal. I kill every one I see. I have a 22mag with a laser sight I use to shoot stray cats. I kill every one of those I see too. Coyotes were first seen in this area about 10 years ago and rumor has it that local fox hunters brought them in here to let their dogs run them. I believe the government released them in the lower counties of S.C. and parts of GA. for the control of deer population. Over the years they have raised and spread throughout the states. I have goats but my Great Pyranes keeps them guarded well but coyotes destroyed my watermelons and they have killed a few local newborn calves. Stray cats are useless animals also. They destroy quail, rabbits, and have no significant use to me at all. I don't mind buying rat poison for rats. I have a cat in the house that never goes outside, she's fairly useless but the wife sure loves her. I have shot deer with a 22magnum and killed them but I don't reccomend it because theres a big chance of it runing off and dying. I shot one or two in the head from my back porch and spine shot one once that I had to finish off in the head. My weapon of choice is the .270. Have made 300 yard deer kills and the coyotes don't usually have a chance either. .243 works really nice on deer and coyotes too and 30-06 or .300 mag. if you prefer will blast em away. Whatever you use please just kill em. My coon dogs treed the other night on the backside of a pasture, by the time we got to them the coyotes had faught them off the tree. I use tracking collars on my coon dogs and keep them tied or kenneled. I have a lot of animals that stay on my property and if they get loose and cause damage I take care of it. If a cat comes on my property that I don't know who it belongs to I take care of it also. If a hawk starts eating my chickens I take care of it too. I'm not an animal hater but I don't mind extinguishing useless varmints. This is merely my opinion, everyone has their own and I respect that. I don't wish to offend anyone whatsoever.