I'm trying winter squash in the garden for the first time and have some questions about when to harvest. I have acorn, golden Hubbard, butternut and buttercup going. Most sites I've read say the squash is ready when you cannot easily pierce the rind with your fingernail. Some of the butternut already pass that test, and the faint striping on the fruits is also about gone. The golden Hubbards still seem a bit soft, at least as compared to the butternut. However, their color is getting a bit more dull than it was, which is another sign of ripeness. How long can these squash be left on the vine after they are ripe? Some sites talk about harvesting before first frost, but it seems some of my squash will be "ready" long before then.

My squash plot is a jungle. I planted them way too close together, but they all seem happy to grow all over each other. I also have two kinds of watermelon and two kinds of pumpkin in the same plot. One of the pumpkin vines thinks it is the magic bean vine and is heading for St. Louis.
