Yesterday I found out that the lady I did the bars for thought she saw a coyote in the front yard of my mom's house but on getting a better look it was a cougar. She had her camera with her and got out and got a snapshot. She said it stopped and looked back at her. It was a digital camera and she promised me a copy. If I can enlarge it and have the cat recognizable I will post it. This would have put the cat within about 500 ft of a state highway. and less than 200 ft from my mom's front porch in the middle of the day. The cat wasn't startled or running just walking along, noticed the comotion of someone getting a camera and pointing it out and turned to look at the folks making the fuss and got it self imortallized in a snapshot. Sure hope the cat stands out in the picture enough to be recognized.

[img]/forums/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Pat [img]/forums/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]