Well things are slow and I am bored so. A recent happening.

Two idiots decide to rob the local Sonic Drive in.
Now Sonics got lots of money right?
There are 5 or so cars in the drive in all probably got cellphones.
Idiot 1 is carring a combat shotgun with lazer site idiot 2 has a 9mm pistol all in plain site.
Idiots proceed to try and rob cashier.
Thirty seconds later 4 or 5 911 calls go out.
Sheriffs office is 3 blocks south.
Town police station is 4 blocks west.
Four minutes after 911 calls 2 sheriff cars block the rear entrances to sonic and two police cars block the front entrances.
Idiots try to escape out the rear door. Idiots began firing at the two sheriff deputies.
Deputy one kills idiot one instantly. Deputy two seriously wounds idiot two.

Next morning interview of the Sheriff of Cochise by local TV.

TV.. Got any statement sheriff?

Sheriff.. It is our belief that anyone committing a crime with a sawed off shotgun and lazer site intends to use it. Anyone who fires at a deputy will be shot.
Thank you.

Tv..Ah thanks sheriff.

That's the law in Cochise county.