We're bought some property several years ago and plan on building home, barn, riding arena and retiring there. House/barn probably won't go up for a few years but we're doing a few things each year to spread out the cash-outlay (driveway and site cleanup/prep have been major efforts to date). I'm considering drilling a well ahead of time as this is a sizable expense. Question: Is this a good idea? There is no electricity yet on the site. If I had the well drilled, I could use my generator to periodically (weekends) run the pump. I wouldn't have a complete system (pressure tank, etc). I'm thinking about the variable speed pumps. I've going to contact a local well-driller, but figure his answer will probably be "do it now" as business has to be very slow with the housing slump. I'm clearing the area for the septic field and would consider installing that ahead of time as well. I can't think of any drawbacks, but that's what forums are for, to get other opinions. Thoughts/comments?