Dave, Gary is my idol regarding (at least) the genset. I recently purchased a Generac 17,500 Watt continuous (23000 surge) air cooled gasoline powered generator. It was the same price with or without the manual transfer switch so I got the "System" version with transfer switch, outside plug enclosure etc.

BUT... I won't be using the manual transfer switch. No, I won't be converting the unit to propane (kits available) as I will soon be buying a propane fired fully automatic system with automatic transfer switch. I don't expect my wife to suddenly become electromechanically inclined during a power outage or want to go out in the elements to start a generator AND maybe we won't be home when the outage happens! So, I will soon be going to put in a system similar to the one Gary has.

They exercise (depending on brand/model) 12-20 min a week or so. I have 2 (count 'em TWO) 1000 gal propane tanks so will be able to last a while off grid. I too would prefer an 1800 RPM liquid cooled propane fired unit but... that is just more $ than I want to spend. So, I will be getting a 3600 RPM propane fired and airi cooled automatic unit with automatic transfer switch.

Hey, Gary, how loud is your unit. I see these rated from about 72 dB to the mid 60's which is not very loud. Some have a "whisper" mode for the weekly exercise run where they run slower and quieter.

Oh, and my advise to the OP... Don't get a cheapo!!!!!!!!! There are inexpensive manual units by Honda and other good names. Some of these are dual or tri-fuel units and others have easy DIY kits for propane conversion. If you don't feel comfortable doing the propane conversion take it to a small engine shop. Propane is definitely the best choice for a residential back up generator. Diesel is NOT a good choice for short run stop and start use. Gasoline (and diesel) deteriorate and get contaminated during storage (even with a big dose of STABIL todays gas will only store safely for 6 months. Propane has no storage life problems and for practical purposes just keeps forever. Engines run cleaner and don't gum up. Best choice for intermittent use stand by generator.
