We don't still hang em but we still track em down. Why this guy killed a bull instead of a steer or cow is beyond me. I guess dumb is dumb.

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WILLCOX A Texas man who shot and killed an area rancherç—´ bull for food agreed to pay $15,000 restitution after signing a plea agreement a year after the crime.

Bowie rancher Wayne Klump said, çš„èâ₠¡Â´e been ranching for a long time and this is the first time I致e caught someone in the act of butchering one of my cows.

In late 2007, Ryan Wesley Witt of Texas shot and killed an 1,800-pound Angus bull, which was located in a corral on the Klump Ranch in Bowie, Sheriffç—´ Office records reported.

On Jan. 7, 2008, Klump said he was checking his ranch near the UX House.

çš„ saw a drag by the corral north of the house. I followed it to the big barn next the UX House. Ryan Witt and (his boss) were there. I asked them what made the drag. They denied knowing anything about it. I went to the house and asked (another man). He had no knowledge of it. I went back to the building and found black cow hair on the floor. I called Matt (Klump, his son) and he called the deputy. We found blood and hair on the floor of the barn, Klump wrote in a statement.

Klump continued: è¿ÂÂ*yan Witt admitted killing my Black Angus registered bull, 4 years old, weight approximately 1,800 pounds.

He buried one hind leg and put most of the rest of the carcass in 55-gallon drums (four drums). The hide had EU LR (my brand) on it.

展itt was not handcuffed and taken away that day, and he left the state, Klump said.

Nearly 10 months later, Klump said Witt was extradited from Texas.

And on Monday Witt changed his plea to guilty and signed a plea agreement in Cochise County Superior Court.

According to the agreement, written by county prosecutor Doyle Johnstun, Witt has agreed to pay $15,000 in restitution to Klump.

The plea agreement allows a term of probation for up to three years.

He could also face six months to two years in prison and pay a maximum fine of $15,000, plus an 80 percent surcharge.

A hearing will be held Jan. 30 at 1:30 p.m. in Cochise County Superior Court in Bisbee to set Wittç—´ sentence, Klump said.

Ainslee S. Wittig is managing editor of the Arizona Range News, willcoxrangenews.com, a Wick Communications Co. newspaper.

About 3 years ago we had two other prize bulls killed by fools. A female Border Patrol agent was trapsing around in a large afield and a bull came to see what she was doing and she shot him full of holes with her dinky 9mm so bad he had to be put down. And, then some fool deer hunter shot the twin brother of this one. Now both of these bulls were halter trained and had been shown at fat stock shows all over the country. They both used to come to my place and I could herd them anywhere with just a stick. My guess this one is worth $25,000 plus.