Congratulation to everyone who had to euthanize a pet and did it in a timely manner. It really bugs me that people will often refuse to face reality and so keep a pet in obvious agony around because they are too weak to do the right thing.

"But I just can't have Spot put down because I just love her so much." The dog may be in misery 24-7 with no chance of improvement but the gutless owners think only of themselves, not the animal.

It isn't fun, we don't like it BUT it is a part of pet ownership. You get a pet and you are responsible for its well being to whatever degree the situation requires. The puppy is cute or rescuing the shelter dog gives you a "feel good" but as sure as the sun rises each morning eventually the puppy or most any pet reaches the end of its quality of life before the owner where the decent and humane thing to do is to end their pain. Think of it as partial payment for their services rendered.

If you can't see yourself euthanizing a pet, don't get one. Consider a parrot or a tortoise, they have great potential for outliving you, just don't forget to provide for them in your estate.
