Quote Originally Posted by pinkie View Post
Yes, they have had these in my daughter's school too. I think it's a great thing to do, but it does make me sad. With all these school shootings popping up around, it's good for the kids to know what they should do if it happens in their schools.
My mom told me they used to have bomb drills when she was in school. Wow, when I was in school we didn't have anything like either of these, we just had fire drills.
Tornado drills and fire drills were all I had to worry about in school. Unfortunately our kids need to know what to do in these situations which will hopefully never happen. I remember our school used to have mock emergencies. They would have some students positioned in the halls and on the ground as victims of a tornado and as you encountered an injured student you would practice the first aid you had been taught and learn how to help them and at the same time work with emergency personel. I thought it was very helpful although thankfully I never had to use the training in an actual emergency.