Quote Originally Posted by Bird View Post
I have no use for or respect for anyone who engages in any cruel, sadistic activities, whether their victims be human or other animal. I have no problem with killing animals for food or to get rid of varmints that may be harmful, but I do believe in doing it in the quickest, most painless way possible. Of course I also have no problem with capital punishment for criminals, and in fact, feel that the death penalty is grossly underutilized.
I agree 100% I get confused when one tries to define cruel.
I see dogs tied to a stake in a yard that has nothing but dirt. The dog lives for 5-7 years then expires. A miserable exsitance covered in fleas and fire ants, infested with intestinal parasites, mange and heartworms. You ask the owner what happened, he says "the dog died" and shruggs his shoulders. 2 weeks later he gets a puppy from somewhere, after a few months the dog losses his novelty with the owner. It too gets the stake and the chain a bowl of food everyday and adequate water. The cycle continues. I see hunting dogs that are barely kept alive for 9 months so they can chase deer for 3 while thier ribs a hips wear the fur off of thier skin. If they don't hunt they are shot.
To me this is cruel, but I see things differently than these dog owners. Is it criminal? No. To them the dog is a tool similar to a plow mule or an ox to rice farmer. I believe it to be wrong, my dogs are kept more like the children of these dog owners than the dogs themselves. My dogs are all 10-12 years old. The 12 year old acts like she did when she was 2, hasn't lost a step (Thank God and good pet care)
I do not know exactly what Micheal Vick did or what cruel act he actually participated in. I know that some of the dogs were tortured, some had to be euthanized. To me Mike Vick is football player not a role model. If young people see him as a role model than they are misguided in my opinion.
If you were to ask me if Micheal Vick regrets what he did. I would says absolutely he does. I believe he regrets it, but not for the reasons I would prefer. Mr Vick sees dogs differently than I do and I don't think that can be changed. I don't hate him for that, I'm indifferent.
Please understand that I completely respect your opinion on this matter. I just look at it differently than you do, perhaps with a little less emotion.