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Thread: Horse slaughter

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Eastern Connecticut

    Re: Horse slaughter

    There is a reason why the horse has been (and should be) viewed differently than other types of livestock. The horse was a gift to man that allowed him to conquer, settle, and civilize the world. This would not have happened by now if not for the horse and we would all be living in much more primitive times. Just because man has outgrown the horse doesn't mean we should dismiss the importance of this fine beast. This is easy to forget when we hop into our shiny new Ford pickup and head down to the lumber yard. It is for this reason that horse meat will never touch my lips and I will wholeheartedly criticize any who views horsemeat as a tasty meal.

    We own 3 Quarter horses, all of them fine animals. My wife shows the youngest horse and the other 2 are retired from showing and are used for pleasure and trail riding. First, I would say that I agree w/ CowboyDoc 100% that there are mean nasty horses that no one should own. Also, we have had a couple of very talented horses that we did not want because they were not particularly nice (somewhat mean). We did not judge then to be dangerous and made the effort in time and money to find a decent home for them with an experienced person that was willing to put up with their attitudes because they were otherwise fine show horses. Also, any animal that is suffering and can not be remedied in a reasonable manner should be put down. However, it is my belief that a responsible horse owner owes every good horse a good home when that animal gets older. If that animal has worked hard all his life he deserves that retirement pasture for as long as he is happy and healthy. Not being able to ride a horse anymore because he is old and worn out is NOT a good reason to send him off.

    The problem as I see it is that there are too many people out there that have horses that shouldn’t. This is why (I would guess) that there are so many unwanted horses out there. While I believe that competition thru showing elevates the quality of a breed there are some negative aspects. I see way too many show brats out there that don’t have their own farm and can (or choose) only afford to have 1 or 2 show horses in board. If that horse isn’t winning enough of those blue ribbons, off with them and in with a new one, even though it may be a perfectly good horse. I have seen such people send perfectly good horses to the auction for a quick sale because they have already found the next one. And if it’s a slow night at the auction the packer surely gets them. These are the people who should not be allowed to have horses. Everyone owes a good horse that they own a chance at a good life.

    As for what to do when a horses time comes. I would always choose to have my horse put down by the vet. No one is going to eat the fine beast that I cared for and enjoyed all these years. I know my vet wouldn't charge me anything close to $600 hundred dollars to do this. If there are vets out there that do charge this much, shame on them. They are part of the problem. I bury my horses on the farm and I defy anyone to come onto my property and tell me I can't do this.

  2. #32
    Senior Member
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    Cambridge, New York in beautiful Washington County, next to Vermont

    Re: Horse slaughter

    Beautiful, Steve! I couldn't agree more!!!

    I will get the cost my vet charges to put down a horse. I know it's far less than $600!
    "What a long strange trip it's been."

  3. #33
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    Re: Horse slaughter

    I have a strong personal philosophy on the "put down" that makes many people think LazyJ is CrazyJ and I'm not asking you to condone it but only consider it for yourselves. With the terminally ill pets I've had going way back to being a kid, I have my vet load the lethal syringe and I administer it at home in the most comfortable environment I can provide the animal. I haven't had to do a horse yet but for dogs, cats, goats, geese, and other birds it's never cost more than $10. It may not even be legal for a vet to do this but mine sure respects my wishes with understanding and it helps me live with myself after the loss.

  4. #34
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    Re: Horse slaughter

    <font color="blue">No one is going to eat the fine beast that I cared for and enjoyed all these years</font color>

    Nice thought, but why do you choose to ignore the rodents, worms and insects? Not trying to be gross, but that's the reality.

    I've tried horse meat, and I've tasted worse things. But it did bother me and I don't think I'll do it again - however, this is my issue and don't believe it should be everyone else's. I don't think a dead animal cares what is done with its carcass.

    As for burying a horse on your property, around here you can defy as many people as you want - it's still illegal and if the authorities find out at the very least you'll be doing some pretty unpleasant digging.

  5. #35
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    Cambridge, New York in beautiful Washington County, next to Vermont

    Re: Horse slaughter

    LazyJ, I like your method. It's tough enough to put a beloved compainion to sleep, at least with your method, they're in the comfort of their own home. The next time one of these horrible times comes to our family, I will remember your method.

    "What a long strange trip it's been."

  6. #36
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    Re: Horse slaughter

    Paul, no disrespect intended, but I think you're missing the point. We're talking about an animal who has been a member of a family, and should be treated with the same consideration as any other member of a family, whether two legged or four legged. It's not right to serve up as food an animal that you've cared about and even loved for years.
    "What a long strange trip it's been."

  7. #37
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    Re: Horse slaughter

    Rich, whether you serve it up or not, its being eaten. One way, it benefits all the ground dwelling critters at the burial site and costs you money. The other way, it benefits other people or our other best friend, Rover and ends up getting you money - enough money to buy another animal destined for slaughter that shouldn't be.

    Whatever. The question was whether horse slaughter operations should be allowed or not. Not what you should do with terminally ill buddy. The fact is that there are horses that need to be terminated. We can choose to use the meat or not. Either way it's a sad story. But not using the meat, well, that's like my dairy farm neighbors who have to ditch their surplus milk - lunacy.

  8. #38
    Senior Member
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    Cambridge, New York in beautiful Washington County, next to Vermont

    Re: Horse slaughter

    OK, Paul, You can argue either way what to do once the animal is dead. The real issue is, the one Cowboydoc brought up, the slaughter of horses. Hopefully the issue can be settled in a way to benefit both animals and people.
    "What a long strange trip it's been."

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    so. N.H

    Re: Horse slaughter

    Lazy the other day we had our horse in bad shape from an infection called the vet. the Horse was down and suffering bad took the vet 3 hours to get to the house would of loved too help but had no drugs does anybody know if this is illegal to get the shot to help. Would have love to have helped him along

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Eastern Connecticut

    Re: Horse slaughter


    The purpose of my post was to address the issue of why some people view horses differently than other types of livestock. This was not the original topic of the post but came up in other peoples replys. I thought I'd share my own personal belief in why horses should be considered differently than other types of livestock and perhaps a historical perspective on the impact of this animal on the human race. Personally I respect animals that have dedicated their entire lives to me too much too cut them up and serve them to Rover or Pierre. That is my personal belief and if you don't like it I could care less. I contributed my personal beliefs in the spirit of an open an honest conversation on this topic. This is probably the last time I'll do that.

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