
Thanks for your response although you might have worded it a little better as you came across self righteous indeed. Some assumptions were made on your behalf as well. Let me make it clear here I did countless hours of research on this particular breed before getting her. I'd like to think she would not have a better opportunity to grow up one happy puppy with the environment that we have the ability to provide her. I have two friends who have full grown RR's and other than them these are the only Ridebacks that seem to be around in my area so I wouldn't really call it the flavor of the month but......

My intention is not to torment the dog but really to provide her 2 acres of which to run as opposed to being shut in a very small kennel type area. As far as digging her way out - that would be impossible with my severely rocky soil conditions. She has already tried and given up very quickly.

I talked to the head of the Ridgeback Rescue association in my state and SHE suggested that I hot wire the fence. I might be wrong but I'm guessing she knows more than you and I put together. I have spent quite abit of time reading up on how best to nurture the puppy in the most responsible way I can. With that said - good tip on the guarding instincts I have read that this should happen around 10 months or so. That particular trait is one of the reason that this breed is the one I selected. We won't have any problems with kids friends walking in on us as we live way out in the middle of nowhere. I appreciate your response and will do the best I can.