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Thread: Some idiot nailed my truck

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Beach City, TX near Trinity Bay

    Some idiot nailed my truck

    Yesterday my wife spent a good part of the day in the medical center in Houston. The majority of the parking is in 8-10 story parking garages located around the medical center and a lot of the parking is narrow and cramped.

    Sometime during the time my 2000 F250 was parked in one of the garages some @#$! jerk hit my truck and drove off without leaving a note. I am not just talking about a dent here. Probably more like a couple of thousand dollars worth of damage if not more. The parking was diagonal and some worthless idiot creamed my truck while either pulling into or pulling out of the slot next to mine.

    The right side of the bed is dented for about two feet, the right rear corner of the cab is smashed in and the right passenger door is dinged. This scumbag was obviously moving too fast and not paying attention to their driving.

    I don't know about claiming it on my insurance because I am afraid it will go against me and make my rates go up. I will have to call my agent and find out but from what my friends tell me, if I claim it it will go on my record. If this is the case that leaves me trying to pay for it out of my pocket or drive it wrecked. It is bad enough having this happen at all but now is not a good time because I am trying to save up every penny I can towards my down payment on our new house.

    I cannot say what I would like to do to the piece of garbage that hit my truck and ran.... I would not want to have my post censored! It is a crying shame that I carry insurance and pay my bills on time and try to do right by others only to have some puddle of scum trash the nicest, most expensive vehicle I have ever owned and run off leaving me to foot the bill for their stupidity.

    Sorry to rant but my butt is chapped and I needed to vent my spleen. [img]/forums/images/icons/mad.gif[/img] [img]/forums/images/icons/mad.gif[/img] [img]/forums/images/icons/mad.gif[/img] [img]/forums/images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2002

    Re: Some idiot nailed my truck

    Have you checked to see if they had a camara in the place ? Up here in MA it is common to have them , ,, might just have the S.o.b on the tape ...........
    good luck and sorry to hear you got hit ..
    Bill g.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Capital District - Upstate New York

    Re: Some idiot nailed my truck

    <font color="blue">...Have you checked to see if they had a camara in the place ?...</font color>

    Took the words right out of my mouth...

    I agree... talk to hospital security now before they "record over" the tape... I'm betting your chances are very good.

    That's what you pay insurance premiums for... big difference between a moving and non-moving accident...

    I'm sorry to hear about your damaged truck... but even worse, I'm sorry your wife is in the hospital..

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Geneseo, New York

    Re: Some idiot nailed my truck

    I had the same thing happen to me but a lady saw the truck hit my car and drive away. She got the license number and the name of the golf course from the side of the truck. She also took a good look at the driver. Then she came into the store and had the clerk page the owner of the damaged car, MINE.

    I called the golf course and the director of grounds wanted to hear nothing about it and accused me of trying to extort money from them. He never took the time to check to see if the truck was there at the time or that it had damages.

    I called the police and filed a hit and run report. A deputy stopped at the golf course and the truck was not around. They denied that the truck was out of the golf course to do the damage. I called some repair shops in the area and found the truck. When the police looked at it, the repair shop told them that the damage had red paint from my red car.

    It turned out that the son of the grounds director was driving the truck. He was not employed by the golf course and dad was covering his butt. The board of the golf course paid for the repair of my car and the cost of a rental. The son was charged with leaving the scene of an accident and fined $500. The father lost his job and was fined $2000.

    I was just lucky that someone saw my car get hit and got the information to me or I would have been out the $2500 repair.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Beach City, TX near Trinity Bay

    Re: Some idiot nailed my truck

    I talked to my agent just now and the only way a claim does not go against me is if it is filed on the other person's insurance which, of course, will not happen in this case. So it looks like I will have to pay for it myself unless the incident happened to be caught on tape and I can find the guilty party and make them pay. I will call the parking garage today to see if they have cameras in place. We parked in this garage many times over the past few years and I have never noticed any cameras but I would think they would have them for security reasons.

    My wife is not in the hospital... she was just there having some tests run. Thanks for your kind words, Johh.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Re: Some idiot nailed my truck

    I know that this will NOT make you feel better, but I had the same thing happen to my car IN MY OWN DRIVEWAY. I had roommates at the house, and during the night, one of my roommates drunk friend hit my car in my own driveway, and left. It took a while to figure out who actually did it, and it took even longer to get even a fraction of my money (Oh ya, he was drunk AND didn't have insurance). But mostly it just caused me heartburn.

    Good luck.

  7. #7

    Re: Some idiot nailed my truck

    If you file a police report and show that it was not your fault it hasn't gone against my record. Last year my wife hit a deer. The agent said if I was to file a police report showing it was not our fault then it wouldn't affect us. Not sure about your state but it worked in ours.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Upstate NY

    Re: Some idiot nailed my truck

    That golf course story is JUST why these scumbags exhist and continue to hurt honest, hard working folks. That "father" and I use the term loosely, should have offered to pay the damage and made the spoiled brat work the debt off. Next time he does it, it may be my truck [img]/forums/images/icons/mad.gif[/img] . I have been the victim of hit and run several times and mostly it has been minor damage, but one time it wiped out the quarter panel of my beloved Cordoba upon which I had no collision insurance due to a recent divorce draining my funds. I have been robbed, lied to by salesmen and ripped off by a number of people in my life (sometimes ones I knew as "friends") and I wonder how society can ignore behavior such as this. People just aren't raised to be accountable for their actions.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Re: Some idiot nailed my truck

    Chris, I don't know who your insurance company is, but I've been in your situation and never had such an incident effect my driving record or insurance rates, even after filing a claim which my own insurance paid.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    South-Central Ohio

    Re: Some idiot nailed my truck

    I read this last week and remembered thinking poor guy. Now I'm right there with you. On Friday my wife was on her way home from school and she was rear-ended by another driver and knocked her into another car. She was the meat of the sandwich. Her back, neck, and legs are sore. I took her to the hospital Friday night after the wreck and I think she is going to go to the Doc tomorrow - still in pain. The guy couldn't find his proof-of-insurance at the scene so he has to go to court Friday to see Da Judge. He said he had it though, just didn't have the card. I called his house Saturday morning so I could try to get the process started. They gave me the company and policy number. I then immediately started the claim process. The insurance company couldn't find any information. I was then finally able to determine that it was a new policy and it hadn't been entered into the computer yet. Didn't realize how new the policy was. They purchased it Saturday - the day after the wreck. Now my insurance is going to have to pay for it. My insurance has at least been real cooperative. Guess the family will be making several appearances in court - the traffic citations, our insurance company going after them, and then we will probably go after them to for loss of use of our car and what not. Guess I'll have to be contacting an attorney. I guess our only good thing is we know who did ours - even though in this case it doesn't help too much. So much for laws that require insurance.

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