I don't know your location but I will share what I have done in a few applications in windy areas of Western NY. We first installed slides with storm doors on them but the storm unit never held up and we had to find a better way.

I was able to have custom slides built that were actually doubled. That is there were two complete units so in the winter with the wind pounding them, there were four layers of glass, double the weather stripping and a two inch dead space between the units. The difference was amazing. One house was on a lake and the wind would drive the cold into the room and the owners had installed electric aux. heat to the room. We installed the double unit and the comfort level was greatly improved and the extra electric unit was removed.

In summer most people left the inner door open and just closed the outside door to make it easier to pass through. the cost surprisingly was only about 40% more for each unit but it paid it back in comfort and savings on heat.