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Thread: Need help on my muddy pond water.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Near Buffalo, NY

    Need help on my muddy pond water.

    I have a 1 acre pond dug in 1999 that's around 12 feet at it's deepest. The problem is the water is a brownish color all summer. In the spring it's pretty clear for a while. Anyone ever tried the pond clear chemical from Tractor Supply Co.? Does it work? Anything else I could do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    South Eastern IL.

    Re: Need help on my muddy pond water.

    Try this site with your question, If you don't want to register you can check the archives for an answer. That question has been dealt with by others on this site.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Apex, North Carolina

    Re: Need help on my muddy pond water.

    cchoate, I dug a 2.5 acre pond last summer. Finished with it in September, right before the rains hit. All winter and most of the spring it was very muddy looking.

    I bought 4 gallons of Crystal Blue (spelling) from Tractor Supply. Put 2 gallons in, and it turned the water a really nice shade of blue/green. Shortly after, we had another heavy rain, and most of the water in the pond must have turned over, as it turned more brown again. Added another gallon about a month ago. The color now is perfect - kinda like a light green or blue, depending on how the sun is shining. Sure beats the brown color it used to have.

    I think the Crystal Blue was about $35 per gallon. I would put 1 gallon in your pond and see what you think. It takes about a day for it to get distrubuted throughout the pond. Each time it rains, and some water runs out, and the color will lighten a little.

    Hope you have as good luck as I did with it.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    north texas

    Re: Need help on my muddy pond water.

    I also put a gallon in my about an acre pond 2 weeks ago...turns it a funky shade of blue at first but it settled after a day or so, and all the neighbors really like it and have commented on how much nicer my pond loks than anyone elses!
    I just walked around the perimeter with the jug and sprinkled it out every few feet, it somehow blew its way all around the pond.

    I got it from tractor supply also....I had a neighbor who used aqua-blue from the feed store, and he wasn't nearly as impressed with that stuff (at twice the cost!) as he was with my TSC crystal blue!

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    Re: Need help on my muddy pond water.

    My father has used a product called Ponder and had very good results. I am not sure if its available in the states or not though?

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