
You don't need a caretaker ... you need a SWAT TEAM! [img]/forums/images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

You should 1) not leave rural property empty and unwatched; and 2) have reliable people to watch a property.

There are actually two separate functions you are considering here, as I see it. One is to watch the property; and two is to get some revenue. I am not sure they should be "combined."

If a farmer is using your farm full time, there are many additional issues for you to consider. He or she may or may not feel comfortable with being responsible for the overall security of your property.

The "problems" you relate are not due to vandals or criminals, but the people you actually had entrusted to "watch" the place. Usually if someone is renting or otherwise occupying a place, that should be enough to provide basic assurance that it is okay. But, if the people you trust wind up trashing it, well, that is another issue to deal with.

You need to maybe do more checking on the background and reliability of those you allow to occupy your property.

Also, your immediate neighbors ought to be of some use in this situation. I realize you are far away, but the next time you do visit your property (which you ought to do once or twice a year anyway), stop in and get to know your neighbors.

Maybe give them a small gift of some kind. And mention how much you appreciate them "keeping an eye on" your place.