
Am gearing up to build a new workshop. It will be a metal building but instead of the normal 3" plastic covered insulation over metal purlins, I'm going to use (wood) 2x6's, 24" OC for purlins and traditional insulation, either batts or roll in. The walls will be 2x4's, 16"OC.

I plan to then cover the under side (and inside for the walls). This is a second benefit over the 3" insulation which is normally not covered or perhaps is simply held in place with chicken wire - I'd tear that up!

I'm looking for ideas for the decking.

Here are the options I've thought of:

PRO: fire retardant. cheap.
CON: very heavy. looks like crap if not taped and painted.

PRO: light, durable, lighter weights can be easier to put up.
CON: more flamable.

I decked the inside of my garage with 3/8" plywood. I left it unfinished and like the looks of it just fine. I wouldn't mind if it were lighter to reflect more light but it'd take a lot of work (and paint) to paint plywood.

I'm considering (this is embarrasing) ... paneling! This is of course cheap and lightweight and can be bought in different finishes. A white-ish paneling would be great for the ceiling especially. Would paneling be rigid enough to put it up against the roof rafters with no sheetrock? I wonder if over time, the weight of the insulation would cause it to sag?

Am I a fool to consider putting up plywood, paneling or maybe OSB decking in a shop where I'll have a wood burning stove and will be welding regularly?

Any other ideas???
