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Thread: Fencing around a Barn

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    SE Ohio

    Fencing around a Barn

    I am going to build a barn and was wondering if people build their barns inside the fence or outside. I plan on having 2 or 3 cows and maybe a goat or two. I have heard that having a barn out in the fenced area is bad as the cows will lick the metal siding for salt. Also, they will rub on it and dent the siding. So is part of the barn in the fenced area?


  2. #2

    Re: Fencing around a Barn

    I would definitely put a fence around your barn. Not only will all the things you mentioned be true but they will also stand around the barn and crap all over. The acidity will rust the builidng and rot the poles much faster than normal.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Eastern Connecticut

    Re: Fencing around a Barn

    Someone also posted a tragic story about a horse kicking thru metal siding and severing an artery. I would guess a cow could do the same.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Central Arkansas

    Re: Fencing around a Barn

    The ideal barn will have one side dedicated to your access, usually facing your house/driveway with no livestock access and no gates to open. One side will be for animal access with a corral between the barn and the pasture. With any plans for expansion or multiple pastures it should have at least one other animal access side with a similar corral. Basically keep the animals away from the barn and yet maintain easy accessibility. I couldn't maintain drainage around my barn even with good slope until I implemented this multi-access and corrals theory.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2004

    Re: Fencing around a Barn

    how do your two corrals help drainage ?

    My soil does not drain well but I have 1 foot slow grade away from barn to back of my property

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Central Arkansas

    Re: Fencing around a Barn

    Once the barn access gets hoofed up and won't drain it is impossible to repair with horses still stomping around in it. This is where a second access is valuable in allowing the other to rest and dry out. It amazes me how a firm well sloped access will become a boot sucking mess after a freeze/thaw cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Chicago suburban

    Re: Fencing around a Barn

    We use wood chips in our corral area. About 6" keeps things dry. Horses have problems with some wood like black walnut, so make sure you know what you're getting. We only take chips in the fall when the leaves have come off the trees. They're generally free that time of year because no one is buying mulch. They last about 2 years then you have to top them off again.

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