The cabinets for our new house (built but not installed yet) have two trash drawers located at opposite diagonal ends of the kitchen. Each trash drawer has two large plastic trash cans. That makes four containers for 3 kinds of trash. The highest volume category has a can in each drawer. We won't be designating one of these 4 containers for pop cans since the utility room is just around the corner from the kitchen and shares a common wall. I want to put a PVC pipe through the wall from the kitchen to the util room through which you drop soda cans but this may not work out aesthetically. I feel an excellaent alternative is to drop a PVC pipe through the floor into the basement where soda cans would land in a container there.

I suggest you do a bit of reading BEYOND the worm thing. There is no shortage of good information on composting on the web. You'll find out oodles of info regarding "greens" and "browns, carbon and nitrogen, upper and lower temp limits for various mix ratios etc. You'll learn at what temps weed seeds are destroyed, etc. Of course, many of the sites will try to sell you their prefab composter withought which your life will not be complete, as per them. There are even composting toilets which produce safe garden compost. Storing feed stock for composters in the frige? Ignoring the composting toilet it still doesn't sound like what I would want to dedicate space in my frige to.

I have read that bones compost. It seems that fat, like meat trimmings for instance, is one of the worst feedstocks. Not sure about cheese, never threw away much of that. I tend to donate trimmed fat to the critters along with trapped whole dead beaver rather than trying to compost them. I have put out a few 60+ lb beaver in a remote area of my property and they just vanish overnight withought a trace. Coyotes I suspect. I know that somewhere there must be some bones and teeth lying about but in 4 years never saw any.

[img]/forums/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] [img]/forums/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Pat [img]/forums/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] [img]/forums/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]