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Thread: Miniature Cattle questions

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2004

    Miniature Cattle questions

    I've been doing some research on miniature cattle, and so far I like the idea of having a few head. However, I would like to hear from some people who actually have experience with them. What breeds of cattle are truly miniature? I've seen some that they claim are miniature but still get up to 1500 lbs (that's not miniature in my book, they use bulls of that size in rodeos) Is a miniature breed of cows a good producer of milk (at least good enough for one family of five)? The beef would obviously be smaller portioned, has anyone marketed the meat, or are they even worth the butchering? websites say they are, but they are trying to sell the animals, and I don't trust everything I read untill I hear from people who have actual experience with the things.
    Just show me to the cross and I'll find my way home.

  2. #2
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    Re: Miniature Cattle questions

    Small glass of milk and a petite filet? Sorry, couldn't resist [img]/forums/images/icons/smirk.gif[/img]

    I don't know anything about miniature cattle but a friend raises pygmy goats. They are strictly for fun, no real market value. My impression with miniature cows/horses etc. was more lawn ornamentation and pets than anything else. It will be interesting to see what others have to say [img]/forums/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  3. #3
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    Re: Miniature Cattle questions

    My wife and I purchased 2 bred Dexter cows this year. They are a small breed of cattle originally from Ireland and England.

    We have 2 nice calves from them and recently purchased a registered dexter bull to breed them with. The bulls can go up to 1000 lbs at 3 years with the cows up to 750 at the same age.

    The Dexter are a dual purpose breed, meat and milk. Here are a couple links:

    We really enjoy ours, we have 10 acres and like having a few head of cattle that aren't so big as to cause problems or be to intimidating. The Dexters seem to be a real docile friendly breed as well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Georgia, I-20 and the Alabama Line

    Re: Miniature Cattle questions

    Have you looked at the prices on the true "Mini's"...$6 to $20 thousand per head [img]/forums/images/icons/ooo.gif[/img]

    We looked at the Dexters, nice smaller breed cattle...but...then we found the "Oreo's" ...Belted Galloway cattle...they were so "cute" we just had to have some...had them almost 2 years now...cows weigh around 1,000, bulls around will find small heritage breeds are pretty much normal bodied cattle, with short legs [img]/forums/images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

    You can read more about mine in the photo section...or use this link Oreo Cows


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Miniature Cattle questions

    Do a Google search for Min Herefords I think that might be what your looking for. [img]/forums/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]
    Gettin Back To My Country Roots

  6. #6

    Re: Miniature Cattle questions

    The truth is that this is just like the whole ostrich thing awhile back. Aside from the "circle" of miniature people nobody in the beef industry wants them. The packers don't want them, the restaurants don't want them, the supermarkets don't want them. They want cattle that are going to give you that big thick steak. You don't go to your favorite steakhouse for an 8 oz. t-bone. As a novelty sure they have a niche. But you have to stay in that circle. If you want to open your market up to the whole country get a couple good registered angus, ai to the best bull you can afford and raise good calves. You will get a premium on them and you won't have $10k in them.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Re: Miniature Cattle questions

    Similar to the plight of miniature horses, I've always heard they have many health problems. Mostly as a result of their development being a product of breeding the least fit of the species, propagation being based primarily on small bone structure and disregard for other important characteristics.

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Re: Miniature Cattle questions

    Hi, Hillbillycowgirl. I am also learning about Miniature Herefords. We have an excellent breeder in our area, and I know she'd be willing to answer all of your questions. This is an excellent operation, and they are very willing to help educate you. They have a web site: We are thinking about getting a mama cow next spring from these folks. We recently bought a couple of quarter horses from them. She does horses on the side, but her main focus is miniature herefords. Our experience with this breeder has been fabulous. Everything I've heard about these cows has been very positive. They don't need as much space or as much feed as full-size cows.

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Central NY

    Re: Miniature Cattle questions

    I have a small farm and have raised cattle for 20yrs, I never intended to make a living selling and raising cattle, I have them because I like them. I started out with Herefords and switched to Irish Dexters 15yrs ago. As a breed they are as tough as they come and will eat forage other breeds won't touch. The best part about them is the way they handle. I do not sell mine for the big money that some do but the bottom line is this I can sell every single one I raise for a decent profit.

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