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Thread: Sheetrock Mud or Water Putty on Plywood Wall?

  1. #1

    Sheetrock Mud or Water Putty on Plywood Wall?

    I'm redoing a bathroom and the walls are covered with plywood around the tub/shower. I need to finish the joints between the plywood above the tub surround and where it meets the sheetrock. Whoever did the initial work used sheetrock mud and it didn't seem to stick to the plywood very well, and I've been thinking of using water putty on the plywood joints and the mud only where the plywood joins the sheetrock. Any knowledge or suggestions?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Warrenton, MO

    Re: Sheetrock Mud or Water Putty on Plywood Wall?

    I can tell you that water putty is a bear to sand! At least the Durham's Water Putty brand is. I'd avoid it if I could.

    Here's a quote from their web page:

    Durham's will absorb moisture, as from underneath a porch, deck floors, and from condensation within walls. Thus, an extremely humid environment such as a plaster shower or bathtub enclosure will prevent Durham's from completely drying and adhering to the surrounding material.
    Hey! Aren't you supposed to be working?

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2002

    Re: Sheetrock Mud or Water Putty on Plywood Wall?

    I think I would use polyester glue. It's waterproof, foams, expands and fills the joint plus some. It is easy to remove with a sharp chisel. "Gorilla" is one brand I use but it is spendy$$. Others would work fine. Maybe try a small section and see what ya think.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2005

    Re: Sheetrock Mud or Water Putty on Plywood Wall?

    Just a suggestion, get some silicone chaulk, chaulk the joint and get some plastic molding (available at HD) and nail it up.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Sheetrock Mud or Water Putty on Plywood Wall?

    I would not recommend sheetrock mud on a plywood surface. If moisture is not an issue in the area and the surface will be properly painted then a product called "Painter's Putty" is the easiest to use. However, since it's a shower location and moisture is present, I would recommend a flexible epoxy filler such as "Restor-It". It's a two part epoxy that set relatively fast, so mix up small batches. I use a power drill with a flexible sanding disc to finish off the joint.

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