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Thread: Horse Owners Workshop

  1. #11

    Re: Horse Owners Workshop


    The #1 reason we switched was because of bone problems, especially OCD and angular deformities. Empower is good don't get me wrong. But if you look at what you get with the pennwoods compared to the empower the pennwood completely blows the empower out of the water and it's less expensive to use. The newest research in bone problems suggests that a diet high in omega 3 fatty acids , a complete vitamin and trace mineral will virtually eliminate OCD as a problem.

    Bone problems are especially prominent in the draft horses. This formula was developed for them and has worked wonders with bone related problems. The big time guys I've talked to have eliminated or significantly reduced their angular deformities and OCD by using the pennwoods.

    The product we're using is the Bio NXT generation. They've only had it a few months now. I don't think it's on the website yet. I would certainly recommend it.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Central Arkansas

    Re: Horse Owners Workshop

    My dealer is a 3rd generation Purina dealer and his grandpa knew my grandpa, I've no doubt he will get this resolved and quickly but he fears it will involve a change of brands. His dilemma is that Nutrena is an obvious choice but they don't offer the wide variety of products that Purina offers and they don't have near the supply chain capabilities.

    The company I work for was bought by Nestle just before Nestle bought Purina. They immediately sold all major real estate assets, then they moved major money from R&D to marketing (i.e. workshops), and now they're outsourcing jobs at a frenzy. I'm confident the same is going on with Purina. Stinking French.

    Nestle n'est pas juste chocolat plus!

  3. #13
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    Re: Horse Owners Workshop

    Maybe my reply came across differently than I intended. I was actually thinking that I was guilty of just continuing to use a product without doing enough of my own research. No offense intended…..

    Thanks for the recommendation and I will take a look at it. It’s interesting you mention OCD and angular deformities as most people don’t see how that relates to a horses performance until its way to late. We use probably the two best leg docs on the west coast and they both preach prevention. We got a really good lesson from Pioneer Equine recently and heard some of the same things you are saying. We changed some things in our feed program to support those needs but if Pennwoods can cover it then I am all in favor of making the jump.

    I guess I was not very aware of all the changes that Nestle has implemented. I guess that backs up what I was told. I think it would be tough to be a good feed dealer these days if you have to go to so many manufacturers to get feed.

    Well, I am off to tack on a shoe that my wifes horse pulled off last night.

  4. #14
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    Re: Horse Owners Workshop

    I could not find a distributor list on thier site so I called them and it looks like I am better off ordering direct. I spoke with them for a while and they seem to know what they are talking about.

    I am going to see what things I might order from them and then see what the shipping costs are. I think will probably give it a try and, depending on shipping costs, may make the switch. For us, its nice to be able to get Empower near most major events so we dont have to haul a week or twos worth of feed with us.

    Thanks for the recomendation.

  5. #15

    Re: Horse Owners Workshop

    I just ordered a bunch Mark or I would have let you get a couple with me. If you order 12 or more the shipping is free. I'll get ahold of you next time we order and if you want some I'll have them ship you a couple of my tubs. That way the shipping is free for you.

  6. #16
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    Re: Horse Owners Workshop

    Thanks Richard and I might take you up on that.

    I will also call them back as they did not mention the free shipping. Especially as we get into the show season we tend to up the feed volume so it might make sense for us to order the 12.

    Do you normally work with a specific person out there?


  7. #17

    Re: Horse Owners Workshop

    Mark I've talked to most of them at one time. It's a family business, I LIKE THAT, so they all know what's going on. The dad is the most knowledgeable but the daughter is pretty sharp too.

    If you order 12 buckets you get free shipping and a 10% discount!!

  8. #18
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2004

    Re: Horse Owners Workshop

    Well thats good news. I did not know about the 10% either.
    I will give them a call back.

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