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Thread: What is this and what do I do about it?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2004
    Lexington NC

    What is this and what do I do about it?

    I have a ggd bit of mulch around the area and a few weeks ago after a heavy rain the next morning I had several places where this was. It looked like cream colored shaving cream. Some spots were as small as a quarter and some were as big as a beachball. I touched it with a stick and would have almost sworn someone had poured out so shiffon, it was nearly the same thicknes and lightness. Late that afternoon it was dried and had a crust over it. The next afternoon it was as dry and a desert and brown. The next day it was powder dry and if poked with a stick it sent up what looked like a puff of smoke.
    When I was a kid I remember stomping what we called Devil's snuff balls that were some kind of fungi that did the same as this stuff. In the last couple weeks there has been several different places that came up and if left alone it will dry and nearly disapear in 4 or 5 days. Can Anyone tell me what it is and how to stop it from coming back. I don't think it hurts anything, but it isn't very pretty. Later, Nat

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Lexington NC

    Re: What is this and what do I do about it?

    The first pic is in it's first stage. I show it beside my number 12 foot for reference. This pic shows it in the second stage and the third stage. The one on the right is from yesterday and the larger one on the left is several days old and has dried and is powdery if disturbed.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Lexington NC

    Re: What is this and what do I do about it?

    This last pis is of one that started this past weekend and is now nearly gone, no powder and just a dark brown stained area. You could brush it a little and it would disapear, no residue or debris left.
    Any ideas on what it is and any way to stop it from coming back? Later, Nat

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2002

    Re: What is this and what do I do about it?

    Nothin' but a Myomycota (slime mold.) I think yours is a Fuligo septica - but I'm not an expert. I do know that if they get really big they start to crawl around like those old science fiction movies.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    middle Missouri

    Re: What is this and what do I do about it?

    Stuff is pretty wide spread. I have exactly the same thing on various mulched spots here in mid-Missery.


  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2004
    Lexington NC

    Re: What is this and what do I do about it?

    Doc gets the prize. I googled "slime mold" and it is exactly what I have. Here is a Link.
    Seems that it poses no problems, but none of the sites said what to do to stop it from re appearing. Maybe like my dad said about Johnson Grass, "Just die and leave it"

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