Egon, So now I have wasted all that incense and chicken blood on drain monsters that you were not even concerned about!

The 4x4 tile in the curbless, doorless, and curtainless shower was selected for its non-skid properties and their are good sized triangular seats covered with tile and 100% filled with concrete at opposite diagonal corners of the shower.

With no curb to step over, no door or curtain to fuss with, places to sit to perform portions of your ablutions that otherwise might make you unsteady on your feet, and non-skid footing there is little reason to have a slip and fall accident. The 5X5 triangular Jacuzzi tub has non-skid molded into its bottom but requires some care during ingress and egress to be safe. I am thinking I will mount some sturdy stainless steel grab bars on the wall above and beside the tub as my wife is less steady getting in and out.

You are right though, as the bathroom and kitchen are likely the most accident prone locations in the house. Reflecting on the probablilities, I'd have to say that ordinarily in the typical bathroom the liklihood of of being injured is greater over your lifetime than beingn injured by a tornado by a considerable margin.

Even though significant tornadic damage to a residential structure in our area is not very probable (once per 4000 years) it is prudent to prepare since the consequences can be drastic/fatal...A..N..D.. this could be T H E year.

[img]/forums/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Pat [img]/forums/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]