Candle light and oil lamps???
You can't be serious!


Do you have dirt floors and use an out house?
Hunt for dinner with a flint lock, smooth bore musket?
You have a computer and are on line so can I assume you are willing to use modern technology?


Use compact fluorescent lights and the energy you now use will seriously drop!
Some homes save 50% of their electric bill with changing the lights alone!
The rest have old refrigerators gobbling up 1/4 of the electric bill or more!

And then you could install an appropriate sized set of Solar panels, tie it to the grid and the cost will drop to zero with the exception of replacement bulbs, but those compact fluorescent lights last a real long time!

If you have the right kind of net metering, then you might even make a tidy profit!

And if you add a battery bank to the solar system, if the power ever goes out, your system will disconnect from the grid and run on battery power until the sun comes up!