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Thread: What could you do without?

  1. #1

    What could you do without?

    Thinking about the convenient lifestyle that we live, compared to what our forefathers lived, what current modern conveniences could you do without? Which convenience would you never want to part with?

    I think I could do without a stove. If I have access to electricity, most of the things I eat could be made with other methods. That being said, I WOULD NOT want to live for long periods of time without electricty.

    I also have a toss up between a toilet and a refrigerator for the convenience I wouldn't want to do without. I've used outhouses before but it sure is convenient to stay inside to potty - particularly on cold days! I've never stored meat without a fridge (at least for no longer than about a week) so that would be a real learning experience for me.

  2. #2
    Well, I currently already do without a functioning dryer (for now) so obviously that's a convenience I don't need. I guess I could also do without a stove. I would not want to do without a car and a toilet!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    All over the USA and plan overseas when I retire
    Dryer, TV I could go without. The net, no way possible. I rend to research too much and having so many resources at your fingertips its just awesome. I could also go without my car but thats only if I had a horse that would be willing to take me to work each day (and its kinda far).

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    New York
    I would say a dryer too, you can just hang your laundry outside on clothes lines. I wouldn't go without my toilet! I hate out houses and I don't want to dig a hole in the ground either. Yuk! I could also go without a TV for a long period of time, just not when football season is in full swing.

  5. #5
    I hear you about football season! I wouldn't miss that either. I could go without a toilet if I had to. Us men have it easy! I could also go without my wife's hair dryer and curling iron! Come to think of it we could do without the dryer too.

  6. #6
    Absolutely I could do without a TV. As it is now, we only have one small one and we almost never watch it. Everything else I COULD live without, but I wouldn't give it all up if I didn't have to.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Cambridge, New York in beautiful Washington County, next to Vermont
    My wife and I haven't had a TV in many years, and we don't miss it at all. We don't use our dryer, haven't in over a year. We have a woodburning cook stove. My wife is working on a natural refrigerator, building a room connected to our house with cinderblocks filled with sand. The theory is you keep the sand inside the cinderblocks wet, and it keeps the room to about 50 degrees. We'd still need a freezer in the summer, and some things would still need a standard refrigerator, but it's a start to move away from another applicance. We're trying to reduce our dependancy on the grid, and to eventually get solar panels, and sell power back to the grid.
    "What a long strange trip it's been."

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    South Georgia
    That's awesome RichZ. Let's see we have lived without a washer and dryer, tv, and dishwasher for years at a time. We do currently have all but a dishwasher. I think we could learn to live without a whole lot of our conveniences.

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