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Thread: Chili - beans or no beans?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    May 2010

    Chili - beans or no beans?

    What is your opinion/preference for chili - with or without beans? My husband had a chili conversation with a co-worker yesterday and it almost turned into a heated argument, lol. Such a silly thing to argue over, but it made me realize that some people have some very strong opinions of the bean factor in chili. So, I thought I'd find out what everyone here thinks.

  2. #2
    I can't believe an argument almost started over someone's preference in food-that is too funny! If I am eating chili in a bowl I prefer beans in it but if I am having it on a hot dog or sausage I don't like the beans in it.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2002
    I'm with Queenie. When I buy canned chili to put on hot dogs or on tamales, I buy cans without beans. But when we make chili with Wick Fowler's 2-alarm chili mix, we add a can of Ranch Style beans. But I'd never quarrel over it. I can eat it with or without beans anytime.:laughing:

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2010
    I also agree with Queenie when it comes to putting my chili on top something, but like bird I have a difference from when I make it from scratch (beans) or by in a can (no beans), because when I make it I can control what kind of beans (no kidney) and how much beans. The next question hamburger, steak or vegetarian?

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2002
    No kidney beans? A person with my tastes. I just never cared much for kidney beans in any way. I can eat'em and do occasionally, but I never buy any.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Tombstone, AZ
    I like it with beans in it. when I make it i try to put some black beans and some pintos in it. I also like onion, green pepper, and hunks of tomato in mine. I usually use a mixture of hamburger and steak. Over cornbread yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    South Georgia
    I prefer mine with chili beans but I will use the canned hotdog chili from time to time. I have always wanted to try chili with steak instead of ground beef but I haven't yet.

  8. #8
    Beans all the way! I love the beans in my chili. I don't like kidney beans or chili beans in anything else though. I hate the texture of them, but for some reason I love them in chili. They just give the chili the right texture and taste.

  9. #9
    Another bean person here! I have to have pinto beans though. I will eat the kidney beans if someone else makes it but when I make it myself it has to be pinto. That's a good point everyone is making about hotdogs - they do work better with a beanless chili.

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