Quote Originally Posted by OldMcDonald View Post
The tree is young yet, so it's pretty small; I have already picked the fruit. Last night and tomorrow night will be cold, but tonight is the actual freeze. I don't see the link you posted.
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I'm expecting lows in the low 20's about 22 is the forecast. I plan on taking no action to protect my fruit tree. It is a reletivly large tree with a 20' drip line about 15 fee tall. It's too big to protect. I suspect I will lose some limbs and I will correct that when pruning in the comming weeks.
If you are expecting temperatures lower than 20, you can cover the tree if it's small enough. I'm sure you will loose the small branches, no matter what precautions you take. If the tree is healthy and has been getting water through this extended dry period it may survive depending on how big the trunk is.
If you are going to cover the tree remember to try and trap heat from the gound by covering it completely. If you really want to make a concerted effort you could cover it and put an electric light under or in the covered area. This should minmize damage but there is no way to tell with out seeing it.
central florida will see lows in the 20's for tuesday and wednesday.