Let's just go with we have a mess on our hands.

Food and fuel are so intertwined that I see no way that they will ever be seperated in this country. Buying local has all but gone out the window, because there is no such thing anymore. Almost everything has to be shipped SOMEWHERE at SOME POINT. Instead of worrying about trying to keep everything "self-contained", how about we do something about the rising cost of fuel.

Now, I love nature. I love to hunt and fish. But, we have to have oil. Period. And I'm tired of paying half of my price of gas to the government in taxes so they can blow it and then go print more.

How about some of us "minions" smarten up and make our way to Capitol Hill as representatives of the people, as they are supposed to be to begin with. Can you imagine it, a bunch of country hicks blocking a budget bill and forcing the government to cut taxes! What a day it would be!