I am building a 24x30 pole building, it has 10' walls, 4-12 pitch roof, as of now, the framing and trusses are all up and what i would like to do next is put on the roofing metal, then let the floor dry out so i can pour concrete, and then put the siding on..but heres the problem, when i was installing the posts in the ground, i hit rock along one whole wall, so about 5 posts along that wall are only about 6" in the ground, so, im afraid that if i install the metal roofing, then say we get a bunch of springtime storms with high winds, the wind might get up under the roof and pick the thing right up since the poles on that one side are not in the ground very far, it would be different if the siding were already on it to keep the wind out from under the roof, but i wanted to do the concrete floor before i put the siding on as it would be easier and more light and all..i was going to drill holes in the poles that are not far in the ground and run rebar through them into the floor, then concrete over the rebar wich would hold the posts to the ground.. any suggestions on anchoring this thing down on that one side temporarily until the floor is poured?