The ground rules for replying include not just to state your favorite manufacturer. Everyone has a favorite make, myself included.
This question is specifically this: Is there a make and/or model that would do best on rough, gravel roads? Short of buying a Baja racer, which vehicles would hold up better on the bumpy roads I have to travel? (My old Buick has taken quite a beating, but then, it was never really intended for this. We lovingly refer to it as the "off-Roadmaster".)
Do some manufacturers put their vehicles together with more lock washers? (The other day I went to close the door on the Roadmonster and the handle come off in my hand. Next it might be the engine falling out.)
I need to start looking for a replacement. SUV? Pick up? Living in the country means considering the repair facilities available also, so a Mog is not on the short list. Your input is welcomed.