<font color="red">Yoblonda, I think you draw too narrow a definition for 'education'. The school system has the children for less than 50% of their waking hours. </font color>

I'm not sure of your schools rozett but here our kids are in school at 8:00am. School is out at 3:30pm. By the time they ride the bus and get home it's between 4 and 5. When my girls were in public school they were up at 6am, did their chores, and on the bus by 7:30. We usually didn't see them again until 4:30 or 5:00. That's 9 or 10 hours.

I completely agree with Yolanda and think if anything her view is too narrow of what is going on in the schools. What she is saying is right on target with what has happened in our schools. I'm not sure about where you are.

<font color="red">By their education and certification, teachers are better equipped to further the childrens education in reading, writing, and 'rithmatic (and history, science, etc). </font color> Unfortunately with the way teaching is applied in todays classrooms I think most parents are way better equipped than most teachers to provide their childrens education.

<font color="red">My point is, that parents still have the major responsibility for much of their childrens education. I do not believe their is a great conspiracy to seperate parents from children. Many parents do that on their own. </font color>

You are right that some parents do separate themselves from their kids on their own. However with our interaction with the schools they try and do the same thing. We are not to question how the kids are being taught, we're not to question the purpose of what they're learning, textbooks are so slanted and many times completely misrepresent the truth. Don't get me wrong here I'm not blaming the teachers. It's the system. In our effort to conform and make everything the same, delete religion, make everything "socially" acceptable, no discipline, etc. the schools have created more of an environment of chaos rather than one of learning. It's easy to see why MO teachers only last three years.