I am interested in becoming a rabbit farmer, i can read all the information on the internet i want, but i know it does not equal talking to people who are out there caring for their rabbits every day. I also plan on visiting a large rabbit farm before i get into buying a farm, i have seen a small scale rabbit farm at the college i went to ( really wish i would have went into farm management instead of math science now *lol* hind sight is 20/20) 4 rows of 10 i believe.

Shockingly from the information i have gathered it seems very profitable IF you are close enough to a processor who has a demand and also with minimal labor if set up correctly. When i talked to my fiance he was actually excited about it .. and called our local Ag. Extension office to ask around. Of course he found that this area has no market for rabbits ( which i alrady knew). So that would mean moving which neither of us have a problem with. Although if you have a processor with a high demand will it keep a farm above water to just farm rabbits and their "sub crops" of worms and compost?

I would also like to do angora wool( eventually getting a spinner and producing yarn as well) .. i would have to start that small .. i do know of a market of people who would be interested off the internet. Some which are hand spinners and some who would love the quality of the spun wool to make their own garments. I have read that if selling direct you can expect to sell fibers for $4/ Oz. ($2 /oz for middle men) and a rabbit per year can produce anywhere from 8oz to 3 lb of wool or more depending on the breed. However they are more difficult to care for and take much more time per animal.

Show/pet quality bunnies .. Easter would be the #1 time .. but if you sell to wholesalers or petstores you Must abide by Animal Welfare Act and be inspected( if you do over $500 in sales), the question there would be would they also be inspecting the meat rabbits as well, which would increase them finding something one day to fine for?

I know there are some problems with raising rabbits like diseases, but is there anything that i am missing that i should look at while pondering?