Actually the best way to keep goats fenced is to make them happy where they are. I have over 100 goats for my goat dairy, and all I have throughout my pastures is a four foot woven wire fence, Red Brand Non-Climb fence, held up with T-posts. My goats could jump it in a heartbeat if they wanted to, but they don't. My does have a cozy barn with organic hay and excellent feed, and excellent pastures. My eight bucks spend the summer in our woodlot, about three acres, and all that keeps them in, is an moveable 4 foot electric fence. But they have a nice shelter (an old travel trailer that I gutted) a nice stock tank that I clean out daily for them, and plenty of weeds and underbrush to browse on. I also give them goat mineral blocks to make sure that they get enough selenium. They keep my woodlot in great shape, have a ball in the woods and all I have to buy for them are the mineral blocks. I don't even give them any feed when they're in the woods. And they're in fantastic shape, they'll be well ready when it's time for them to get together with their girlfriends this fall.

Keep goats happy, and they stay where you want them to.