Pat, you're reminding me of when I worked road construction years ago. We used to wrap sausage, corn, onions, etc. in aluminum foil around mid-morning and put it in the hopper of the paver, up around the edges away from the material conveyor and cover it with asphalt right out of the truck. Many a time the operator would forget we had food in there and activate the clamshell hoppers. Then we had to walk back looking for the shiny spot in the newly paved road and dig out our lunch before the roller operator went over it. Did similar thing by putting lunch on manifolds of the backhoes or bulldozers if we weren't paving.

I guess the point is that heat is heat and certain foods can be cooked a multitude of ways. Although I love microwaves, I still pan fry, grill, bake or stick a hot dog on a stick in the fireplace or over a campfire every now and then. BTW, I agree with you on the gas cooktop and electric oven. Best combination for my money.