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Thread: For Belle: rest peacefully my dear friend.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hope Hull, AL.

    For Belle: rest peacefully my dear friend.

    When I came home yesterday Belle was laying in the road in front of our house. She had been run over not 30 minutes earlier and her skull was crushed. It may have been the garbage truck because I had met it coming down the road about a mile from our house. Whatever it was it was going fast enough to hit her hard. At least she didn’t suffer. I picked up her limp, still-warm body and put it in the bed of my truck. I’ve heard it said of Black Labradors that they are so intelligent they sometime appear to be on the verge of speaking to you. Belle was that way. She was without exception the smartest dog I’ve ever had. I’m sure the reason she got hit was she trusted the vehicle that hit her to slow down or stop. After all, I always would. She wasn’t a vehicle chaser per se although it was part of her routine to race my truck a couple hundred yards up the road every morning. When she would get to the top of a little rise in the road she would stop, turn around, and go back towards the house. I would glance in the rear view mirror to make sure that’s what she did. I suppose that little race was something she enjoyed doing. But yesterday morning it was different. Instead of turning back towards the house she just stood there watching my truck and I watched her in my rear view mirror. We watched each other until I rounded a curve and she disappeared from view. That was it. That was the last time I saw her alive. And it is the image of her I’ll never forget. Standing on top of that little rise….watching me drive away.

    Oh, if only I had known.

    I buried her beneath our security light. It’s a good spot—not too close to the house yet clearly visible from the carport and patio. I’m hoping the security light will deter any night critters from prowling around. Next payday I’ll have a sign made to mark her grave. Two concrete blocks are there now.

    If you ask almost any Protestant preacher they’ll tell you that dogs can’t go to heaven because they do not have a soul. I suppose that’s true. But I cannot help but hope that somehow God has it worked out so that when we get to heaven we are reunited with those that we loved on earth—pets included. I like to think that someday I’ll see her again—that she’ll come running up to me like she always did with something in her mouth to show me, and that we’ll run, play fetch, tussle, nuzzle and love on each other just like we use to. I guess the pain of loss is the price I have to pay for such unconditional love and companionship. So today, I weep.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Wallace, Nova Scotia

    Re: For Belle: rest peacefully my dear friend.

    Byron, I am so sorry for your loss. I could sense your tears as you were typing that, but know you had to do it. I went though a similar situation about a month ago. You have lost a valued and loved family member and friend, and it will take time to recover from that. Hang in there............know that we all share your sadness.
    Ian M.
    Transferred to Nova Scotia, retired at the end of June 2009!!! And bought a tractor!!!

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    May 2005

    Re: For Belle: rest peacefully my dear friend.

    I'm sorry. I've lost two to vehicles - it hurts.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Casey County, KY

    Re: For Belle: rest peacefully my dear friend.

    Having buried many pets due to both natural and unnatural causes, I can feel your pain. The memory of Belle shall always be with you. There will never be another to replace Belle but with time, a new companion will come to share in your life. That companion will not be Belle but will come with new quirks both good and bad. One day, when the rustle of leaves or some other facit of nature brings about a strong memory of Belle, you may still shed a tear but shall think of happier times that you were fortunate to share.

    I don't claim all that much knowledge of the bible but I hope my actions in life ensure a place in heaven. I would hope that animals having no malice in their heart will be a part of that.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    North Dakota, Florida

    Re: For Belle: rest peacefully my dear friend.

    We lost our golden retriever last month at the age of 13 years and 9 months of natural causes, we had her for only two and half years.

    There is no good time for them to go, naturally or otherwise. It has been six weeks and this is the first time I have been able to write about her.

    About three weeks ago, my son received as a early Christmas present from his girlfriend, a rat terrier and pomerian cross puppy. My son works nights and sleeps days, so the dog sleeps with us at night and terrorizes the house and our ten year old Pomeranian by day. It is a distraction, but not a replacement.

    This is one of the last pictures that we took of Sydney while we were down at the farm waiting for her to pass on.

    To say that we feel your pain would be a understatement.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Central Ohio

    Re: For Belle: rest peacefully my dear friend.

    Sorry for your loss.
    I have lost a few to cars, and it hurts. I've lost one because he ran away on the day we moved to town. I guess he didn't want to go. The one I have now, I'd almost die if it was him.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2002

    Re: For Belle: rest peacefully my dear friend.

    Sorry for your loss, Byron. One of things I've done is to find a great photo of the pet and myself, put it in a nice frame, and park it somewhere that is in my path every day. For a few minutes, I think of them every day.

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Hope Hull, AL.

    I thank all of you who replied.

    It comforting to know there are other folks who understand how it is with us pet lovers.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Mine Run, VA

    Re: For Belle: rest peacefully my dear friend.

    I'm sorry for your loss. The loss of a pet can be very difficult. For many of us, our pets are part of our family.
    - William

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Central Ohio

    Re: I thank all of you who replied.

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    It comforting to know there are other folks who understand how it is with us pet lovers.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hang in there OHB, each day will make it easier to deal with. I lost my best friend Rusty two years ago and it still hurts, but I can at least remember the good stuff now. The idea of pictures really works, I have pictures all over my office of all of our pets, past and present. I know some people will disagree, but when Rusty died, we went out a week later and got two puppies (same breed, different color) to keep us busy. It really helps to have the distraction, and although there is no way ten new dogs could replace Rusty, I still love these little guys, just a different way. Just a thought. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. I have always (and will as long as I can) had 1-3 dogs around.

    We also had five "barn cats" (four now) and one of them was hit the other night by a car. My eyes watered (if you know what I mean) the whole time a buried him and I'm a 41 yo man... they just seem to find a place in your heart. This was just a barn cat that lives in the barn, but I still loved that little guy!

    So, yes, there are others that understand and love animals [img]/forums/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

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