Can any body explain to me how it came about to grind up cattle and feed it to other cattle, what "brain" decided to make a extra $0.50 per carcuss by using the "disgarded - not fit for human consumption" left overs and feed it to grazing animals who were never designed to eat meat. Now that we
have this in the U.S., our answer to prevention is to outlaw cow protein being feed to Cattle! but we can still feed this cow protein (mixed in feed - What about cross contamination at the mills?) to chickens, horses etc.etc. Last time I looked, most animals we feed grain too are not meat eaters either. and to top it off the cattle industry <font color="red"> IS </font color> allowed to feed <font color="red"> CHICKEN LITTER </font color> to their cattle to boost protein intake. Last time I looked , cattle protein is added to chicken feed. Does anybody think there is a problem with chickens who are allowed to eat cattle protein (possible BSE contaminated), using their droppings to suppliment the feed of cattle. <font color="green"> "DISGUSTING" </font color>
Suggestion - OUTLAW ALL meat by products in animal feed
Here is another USDA brainstorm They have only tested 640,000 cattle. They are scheduled to cut back on their testing this year, WHY ? PLUS they won't let private individuals to test their own cattle
There are 95 million cattle in US, divide that by 640,000
and that means 1 out of a possible 148 cows in the US have not made it to the "Food Supply" does that mean 147 did get into the "Food Supply"
That is why I haven't bought beef in years, I have raised my own Natural Grass Feed beef, I originally started raising this beef , for my family consumption( I'm retired) but this has grown year after year, because of the B S E problem, and this is mostly sold to family and friends.